Cave Mining 2040
Cave Mining 2040 Conference Brochure
CM2040 Horizon 1 summary paper
Cave Mining and deep exploration drilling are the future of the mining industry as surface orebodies become scarcer and discoveries at depth more common. Effective and efficient ways of accessing orebodies below depths of 500 m need to be a key focus for the mining industry in order to remain profitable into the future.
Cave Mining 2040 aims to develop solutions that reduce lead times and capital investment by transforming cave mining as it is presently practised to methods that improve its viability, safety, cost, production, and profitability; while improving its societal and environmental acceptance.
Mining3 has entered into an agreement with Mining Industry Sponsors to establish the Cave Mining 2040 Consortium. This consortium meets when the need arises. Meetings involve the review of current and proposal of new research, introduction of new sponsors or any internal updates.