Catalytic VAM Abatement Commercialisation Project

The Catalytic VAM Abatement Commercialisation Project is an initiative aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from coal mining operations in Australia by mitigating Vent Air Methane (VAM). Commissioned by Low Emission Technology Australia (LETA) on behalf of 26 coal mines and overseen by Mining3, the project seeks to evaluate the suitability of catalytic oxidation technology for safe, large-scale deployment. The program is structured into four phases, culminating in the full integration of catalytic oxidisers into existing VAM shafts by 2030.


“I am thrilled to join Mining3 to develop the catalytic VAM (Ventilation Air Methane) abatement technology further. I look forward to leveraging my expertise to deliver world-class, industry-driven projects. My work in decarbonisation, combined with operational experience, positions me well to contribute to Mining3’s goal of transforming the mining industry through sustainable innovation.

– Dr Adrian Seyfaee, Program Director – Scale Up & Commercialisation at Mining3.

This collaborative effort aims to bring catalytic oxidation technology to market and encourages concurrent commercialisation activities while ensuring the security and confidentiality of proprietary information.


Methane’s global warming potential is 28 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, making its mitigation crucial in the reduction of mining emissions. The low concentration of methane in VAM (typically 0.3–0.6%) presents a challenge for abatement technologies. Gas capture initiatives may further reduce these concentrations over time, making residual emissions more difficult to abate but still significant regarding their financial impact under the Safeguard Mechanism. Traditional thermal oxidation methods require high temperatures (up to 1000°C) to ignite methane, which can be energy-intensive and less efficient. Additionally, the safe and scalable deployment of catalytic oxidation technology in Australia poses technical and logistical challenges that must be addressed to meet regulatory requirements and sustainability goals.


The project focuses on evaluating catalytic oxidation as a viable technology for mitigating VAM emissions. Phase One, an 18-month initiative, involves comprehensive testing of promising catalysts under various conditions to assess their performance and operational envelopes. Mining3 is coordinating this effort and has extended invitations to catalyst developers to contribute to the program. Technology providers can participate without incurring costs and they can opt to offer in-kind support through consultation on the test program design. The research aims to identify catalysts that can effectively oxidise methane at lower temperatures and concentrations, facilitating safer and more energy-efficient deployment. Strict confidentiality measures are in place to protect proprietary information, ensuring that intellectual property rights are respected and that results are not shared with other parties.


The successful implementation of catalytic oxidation technology for VAM abatement offers significant environmental and economic benefits:

  • Environmental Impact: By converting methane into carbon dioxide, the project aims to reduce the greenhouse gas impact of coal mining operations, addressing a critical source of emissions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with Australian legislation and the Safeguard Mechanism will help coal producers avoid increased financial costs associated with emissions.
  • Technological Advancement: Developing a more efficient and lower-temperature oxidation process enhances safety and reduces operational expenses.
  • Commercial Opportunities: For technology providers, the project presents a cost-free opportunity to advance and commercialise their catalysts, fostering innovation within the industry.
  • Sustainability: The project contributes to the long-term viability of coal mining businesses by aligning operational practices with environmental goals.


The project is currently in Phase One, focusing on evaluating catalysts through rigorous testing protocols. Mining3 is actively inviting catalyst developers to participate in the program. Preparations for confidentiality agreements and measures to protect intellectual property are in place, ensuring a secure environment for technology providers. The project is on track to:

  • Assess catalyst performance under various operational conditions.
  • Develop a commercialisation roadmap with suitable pilot designs for subsequent phases.
  • Set the stage for Phase Two, which will involve trialling selected catalysts on a small system at a mine site, followed by scaling up in Phase Three and developing a full commercial unit in Phase Four by 2030.


  • Low Emission Technology Australia (LETA): A consortium representing 26 coal mines, LETA has commissioned the project to address the industry’s need for effective methane emission reduction solutions.
  • Mining3: An industry-led research organisation engaged by LETA to serve as the independent overseer. Mining3 coordinates the project phases, facilitates collaboration among stakeholders, and ensures research integrity and confidentiality.
  • Catalyst Developers and Technology Providers: Invited to participate in the project, these partners provide catalysts for testing and contribute expertise to the test program design. Participation offers a pathway to commercialisation without incurring costs.
  • Independent Testing Facilities: Collaborating with Mining3, these facilities conduct comprehensive evaluations of catalyst performance. Agreements ensure the protection of intellectual property and prevent reverse engineering of samples.